
Beyond Beauty - Taiwan From Above (Region A Blu

Language: Mandarin / Subtitles: English, Traditional Chinese / Synopsis: Beyond Beauty: Taiwan from Above is the first film documenting Taiwan through aerial ...

Beyond Beauty, Taiwan from Above (看見台灣)

A visually stunning and fascinating look at Taiwan, filmed from helicopter by director CHI Po-lin, who has a remarkably thorough knowledge of the island from ...

Beyond Beauty

The film opened on November 1, 2013 at 44 theaters in Taiwan, with Chinese and English subtitles. The film broke the Taiwan box office records for the ...

Beyond Beauty: Taiwan from Above

Beyond Beauty: Taiwan from Above is a 2013 documentary film which documents Taiwan completely in aerial photography to underscore the need for environmental ...

Continue to See Taiwan from Above

Beyond Beauty – TAIWAN FROM ABOVE, the aerial film which Chi made with relentless labor and dedication, became the best-selling documentary in the Taiwan ...

Subtitles for Beyond Beauty

Loading... Sort list by date. Subtitles rated good; Not rated; Visited. English1 · Chinese BG code2 · Vietnamese1. English. Beyond Beauty: Taiwan from Above ...


Language:Mandarin/Subtitles:English,TraditionalChinese/Synopsis:BeyondBeauty:TaiwanfromAboveisthefirstfilmdocumentingTaiwanthroughaerial ...,AvisuallystunningandfascinatinglookatTaiwan,filmedfromhelicopterbydirectorCHIPo-lin,whohasaremarkablythoroughknowledgeoftheislandfrom ...,ThefilmopenedonNovember1,2013at44theatersinTaiwan,withChineseandEnglishsubtitles.ThefilmbroketheTaiwanboxofficerecord...